Performing Arts Academy
ExHaLTT is a faith-based, non-profit, 501c(3), Performing Arts Academy in the heart of Elizabethtown Pennsylvania. Foundational to our pedagogical practices, we believe...
We offer a comprehensive instructional approach for students to engage in rigorous training in dance, musical theatre and vocal performance, while providing a nurturing and positive environment for student growth and individual expression. Join our mission at ExHaLTT to share our faith in God through the Arts and make a difference in the world by...
Expressing Hearts and Lives To Touch

Meet Founder and Artistic Director
Jill Thomasson
Jill Thomasson has been a Dance Educator, Performer, and Artistic Director for 30+ years, training dancers of all ages, levels, and abilities in numerous and diverse styles of dance (Modern, Contemporary, Ballet, Tap Hip Hop, African, Musical Theatre, Social Dance, Liturgical, STEP). Her mission as Founder/Artistic Director of ExHaLTT is to create a place for artists of all ages and skill levels, who have a passion to express their love for Christ, to come together for weekly classes and collaborate, choreograph, learn and build on technique while having a lot of fun and making new friends! Jill's vision includes workshops, performances, lecture demonstrations and ministry opportunities to reach and build community through the ARTS (dance, musical theatre, vocal and instrumental music). Jill's desire to fulfill this calling has taken her to Bulgaria, Haiti, Latin America, the Caribbean and along the East Coast to touch the lives of others, through the ARTS, and spread the gospel of Christ's love to all humanity (Isaiah 42:6-7). Her hope is for ExHaLTT to grow into a haven for ALL to encounter the transformative power and the love of God through the creative, expressive and performing arts. She is excited to begin this journey with the community and encourages everyone to find their place at ExHaLTT Performing Arts Academy!